FlexStyle® Premium Textured Emblems

Luxury Looks for Premium Products

Stahls’ FlexStyle® emblems are a premium, lightweight alternative to embroidery. Add a colorful and detailed emblem to any garment, hat, or bag with just a heat press. Get logos and emblems that stand out, so you can provide a high-end product line to your customers.

Texture and Detail

The quality of FlexStyle® texture and detail far surpasses other emblem offerings.

Unlimited Digital Colors

Add colors, gradients, and shadows without losing detail.

No Backing

Unlike embroidery, FlexStyle® Emblems do not have a backing, allowing for soft wearability on the inside of garments.

Higher Perceived Value

The luxury finish of FlexStyle® means a higher perceived value for bigger profit margins.

Apply on Demand

Apply quickly with a heat press, meaning there’s no need to stock inventory for quick turn jobs and on demand printing.

See the Difference

Emblems are a premium alternative to embroidery with a higher perceived value and the ability to add more colors and dimension without sacrificing detail. Logos won’t pucker from stitches pulling and the final product is less bulky on apparel. See the difference below.


FlexStyle® Product Line Up

There are three different FlexStyle® products available. Each design offers its own look, gradient, and texture, giving you variety to choose from. With options like this, you can cater to your customer looking to add luxury finishes to their apparel.

Textured Image Sample


  • Raised texturing
  • Intricate detail
  • Metallic and non-metallic finishes
  • Best for left chest logos
  • Pressure sensitive or heat application

Domed Image Sample


  • Shiny, smooth 3D surface
  • Durable, thick emblem
  • Opaque, satin, and chrome finishes
  • Best for hats and non-apparel applications
  • Pressure sensitive or heat application

Flat Image Sample


  • Raised 3D effect with a ‘flatter’ appearance than Domed
  • Shiny, smooth 3D surface
  • Durable, thick emblem
  • Opaque, satin, and chrome finishes
  • Best for hats and non-apparel applications
  • Pressure sensitive or heat application

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Try it before you buy it — nothing sells FlexStyle® like seeing and feeling it. Get a sample and get inspired.

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